How to integrate R with Tableau ?
R is known to be one of the best programming languages for Data Science and Tableau is one of the best tool for data visualisation. We can plot different types of graphs and charts using Tableau.
So what if we can integrate both the tools!
Follow the steps given below to integrate R programming with Tableau.
Step 1: Open RStudio 3.8 or RStudio 3.9 and install the package ‘RServe’.
Command: install.packages(“RServe”)
Step 2: Now load the package.
Command: library (RServe)
Step 3: Run the RServe function
Command: RServe()
Step 4: Open Tableau workbook and follow below path
help -> settings and performance -> manage external service connection
Step 5: After this a pop up box will appear. In that put server as localhost and port number as 6311 and press ‘Test Connection’. You will see a pop up connection successful. Then press OK.
Now will be able to use R expressions in Tableau very easily.